What you want is available to you...your mind holds the key

Unlock How To Become Your Own Success Story!

Capable Confident Assured Results  Stoked Aligned Enough Excited Worthy Blissful Free Inspired Grateful Love

You Can Have all You Desire

You are Always Enough

Fall in Love With Your Life

Love being your authentic self,
Attract healthy relationships into your life,
Free yourself of bad habits,
Increase self-belief and confidence,
Set boundaries,
Release fears and phobias,
Erase fear of success,
Smash self sabotage,
Find your purpose,
Improve memory, focus and concentration,
Overcome fear of failure,
Wipe out self doubt,
Let go of "Imposter Syndrome"
Increase motivation,
Know your worth,
Eradicate looping thoughts,
Strengthen existing relationships,
Attract the abundance you deserve,
Achieve your goals,
Improve your LIFE!

Be the best


you can be!

You Weren't Sure This Was Possible, But ...


these results ARE available to you.


But How?

You have a lion in you ready to roar!!
Excited to attract into your life what you deeply desire

You know you deserve so much better, yet there is an unknown force that is holding you back from feeling the way you want to feel and getting the things you want

Perhaps you’re waiting around for everything to magically be fixed.

Or Think,

"If only I had..."

Less stress
A better partner
A better home
Better parents
A better career
A better childhood

and so on ...

"...She helped me uncover and understand the root causes and false beliefs that I acquired as a very young child. I held on to them my whole life until the day I had my session with Ellen. Thank you so much Ellen you’ve changed my life and helped me see myself in a brand new light.” - Milada M.J.

Our results do not
depend on any outside influence!
Its all within you...

What’s holding you back? Do you know?

You might be saying to yourself, 

“I’d like to learn  how to get my life to a better place”

“I always feel that no matter what I do I can’t break free of this funk”

“When will I have MY happily ever after??”


You’re unsure where to begin …

That’s where I come in.
It’s no coincidence you’ve found me.

I am

Ellen Bereza

Keynote Speaker

Course Creator

Certified Hypnotherapist

How can I help you, you ask?

You can live the life you want to live. Right now. It is within you.

Did you know the atoms that make up our bodies are 99.99999% energy and only .00001% matter?


That’s right, we are made up mostly of waves, not particles. What does that mean? That means by changing your energy, you can change your life.


You can’t see your energy but it absolutely makes up most of who you are.

You can change that energy, your frequency, for the better enabling you to move forward attract into your life what you most desire.


It may seem natural to seek things in your outer world, 

the world external to you, to gratify and fulfill you…


But all you need is inside you. 


And when you’ve learned how to shift your frequency to match that of what you truly want in your life, you will have it!!


It’s no different than the frequency of a radio station. If you’re always tuned to 95.5 …you will not be able to hear what’s playing on 100.3 until you change to that frequency.


I will show you how to tap into your subconscious through Hypnosis- which is just a fancy term for a state of deep relaxation. The state you are in naturally when you are half awake and half still asleep in the morning.

or when you’re daydreaming,

or when you’re deeply engrossed in a movie.


It is when your mind is open to suggestions and your analytical judgmental conscious mind is bypassed. We will uncover how you got to where you are through emotions you have attached to past experiences.


Once we reframe those and take the charge out of things you’ve gone through in your life, you will be free of these old feelings and open and ready for new feelings and experiences that serve you!  Feelings that bring you joy and elation. Satisfaction and pure love!


You needn’t look to your past to discover how to get to your future. If you focus on your past, you are just thinking the same thoughts that you already thought expecting a different outcome.


There is a great saying I love:

“When the past comes to call, don’t answer. It has nothing new to tell you!”


Together we will help you reframe those emotions, remove those limiting beliefs permanently!  Leaving you open and ready for new wanted feelings and experiences that serve you and bring you bliss!


I will show you how to be in the present moment and hold a clear intention for your desires while feeling elevated emotions as if your desired outcome has already come to fruition. This method will help you to realize and draw your desired future to you.


You will then be able to attract and/or strengthen the kind of relationships you’ve always wanted in your life. Romantic, platonic, and even business relationships. New opportunities, unexpected blessings will all be yours when you are open and ready to receive. 

Helping you to increase your belief in YOU by removing unwanted thought patterns and false embedded beliefs that inhibit you from moving forward!


Most importantly, I will help you increase your awareness that you always have been and always will be more than enough. This will allow you to achieve the results you seek and make living a life you love a reality for you.


It’s not only possible.

You can and will blissfully be
Living Life On Your Terms


Life on Your Terms
Ellen D. Bereza, RTTP, C. Hyp.

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